RIBA approved CPD

I am really pleased to announce that Powdertech are the first powder coater to offer a RIBA approved CPD. Titled “Architectural powder coating.  A practical guide from the guys who actually apply the finishes” it is written to be a design-led presentation to pass on knowledge gained from many years in the industry. Hopefully it will be an hour well spent.

If you are an architect reading this you will earn double CPD points and if you aren’t an architect then although there may not be points on offer there is the prize of being able to ask all the questions you have always wanted to in the comfort of your own office or via a Teams meeting.

If you would like to book a CPD please contact me directly at richard.b@powdertech.co.uk or via the RIBA website Powdertech (Corby) Ltd CPD materials - ribacpd.com

See our latest NEWS article for more detail on course content. 

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